Matte black 1/2 3/4 Soft tubing

23 Feb 2009

I am getting a new rad at the end of the month and thought i would change my tubing to matte black but i'm really struggling to find any at 13/19 1/2 3/4 size. Does it exist anymore?
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Can probably pick some up
At your local car factors
I have done that in the past
Luckily for me there's half a dozen local independent
Car parts places near me
Epdm or even silicone tubing is used in cars
And for whatever it's worth
I have also put 16mm /10mm tubing onto
3/4 fittings before
Picked up some 3/4 quick disconnects cheaply
But didn't want to bother changing all my tubing
Quick dip in a cup of hot water
And on they went
Worked fine for years no problems
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