Mattus Prepare to be Stomped

SiriusB said:
EOC says youve been squished Mattus!


On this page I'm 80 points ahead for the time being, though I'm sure he'll get me on the next update :p

It also says I'm likely to feel seven pairs of 1kPPD+ boots in the near future :mad: Planning to build a C2D E6320 courtesy of the Student Loans Company at Easter, providing I don't drink too much this coming term...
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Mattus said:
Planning to build a C2D E6320 courtesy of the Student Loans Company at Easter, providing I don't drink too much this coming term...

You know where your priorities lie ;)
Easter? You sure, last I heard the new C2Ds aren't due until Q3. Also, why bother? Just get an E6600 - probably cost the same.

Here it says that E6x20 are out in Q2, but that's The Inquirer so who knows...

Hoping E6320 will be cheaper than E6600 as it's just the same CPU with lower clock speed :)
Mattus said:
Here it says that E6x20 are out in Q2, but that's The Inquirer so who knows...

Hoping E6320 will be cheaper than E6600 as it's just the same CPU with lower clock speed :)

I dunno, somehow I expect the E6320 to be only slightly cheaper than an E6600. Either way I find them to be extremely pointless. It's just a money-grabbing venture from Intel rather than any actual need. Cache size makes next to no difference in real-world applications. I dont think it makes much difference in folding!

Still, if you can wait 6 months then maybe it is worth the lower price.

If it's only slightly cheaper then I'll get the 6600, if I can save £30 or so I'll plump for the 6320.

Freefaller: you got me this time :(
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