Matx Gene

2 Aug 2010
Egypt/ Surrey
I recently downsized from a TJ07 to a TJ08.

Mainly to reduce the case size. I have always wanted to buy an ROG board so this was an excellent opportunity to do so.

As money was tight at the time I had intended to downgrade.

My original spec was a:

2500k @4.2
8GB xms3
P67 GD65
Crossfired 7970s
TJ07 with some coldzero mods
Corsair AX850
3 SSDs, crucial 512GB, crucial 128GB and a 256GB Samsung.
A load of Bitfenix blue braided cables
Xonar DG sound card
An absolute ton of wc gear

I purchased a corsair H80
A 2600k
Maximus Gene V Matx motherboard
A sapphire 7850

I have more recently come across a few issues. The H80 stock fans were making a grinding like noise on start up from cold boot. I replaced both of these with corsair SP120s Pwm quiet 1450rpm editions.

I reversed the airflow of the H80 and the 180mm penetrator fan so the penetrator is pushing air in and the H80 exhausts air out.

I thought the 7850 was very good under load on bf3 and the bf4 beta. But I am a sucker for ultra :) so during the recent green team price drops I picked up a new card :)

I purchased a windforce 780. Initially I was very chuffed with the card however, on closer inspection I noticed one of the fans was catching the housing making a right racket.

See here:

Anyway spoke to Bailey at cs (great chap :) ) who is sorting an RMA out for me.

Here you can see the fan is too close to the housing:

In this image I have installed teh motherboard, ram, cpu and H80 into the case. Using push pull sp120s. The airflow is going across the board into the cooler and out the rear of the case. Those of you who aren't familiar with the TJ08, the motherboard is flipped so that the fans on the GPU face up. I am hoping that when necessary the psu will help to exhaust air out of the case. Although I have a psu which tends not to spin up unless needed.

Here is the card I am using at the moment a 7850, teh card gives me decent frames at high with some ultra, although I am noticing some stutter and drops on 64 player maps.

Here is the card installed into the case. Excuse the orientation change, I hate imageshack, I can't reorient some of the photos right now.

I will be sorting out the cable management at a later date when the last bits and my 780 returns anew.

Also I am talking to davido_labido about some custom MDPC-X braided cables to match my new colour scheme. Really excited about these. If you haven't check out his project log. Some great work in there.
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After seeing a few project builds and looking into this board I definitely plan on upgrading to a Gene further down the line, be interest to know how you get on with it.

More updates please :)

Ill be watching. :D

Thanks guys.

It's ALIVE!!:D:p

The 780 came today. It is just so much better than the previous one which was very clearly needing RMA. (Thanks Bailey and TWST)

I fired up a quick game of BF4 this evening and panicked myself. I wear the Sennheiser PC350 headphones and tend to zone into games. However an annoying buzzing brought me back. I felt the side of the case and felt a vibration which was not normal, even the other card had no actual vibration. So I carefully took the side panel off. It was definitely the new card. I turned power off and had a look and noticed something. :mad::mad::confused::mad::(

Phew! Just a fan cable from my mis/ lack of management of fan cables. Once I tucked this away, back to quiet gaming! :D

Photos will go up soon again, been busy at work this week already :rolleyes::rolleyes: So will upload some images soon. Perhaps even a Shadowplay video ;)

I will drop some pics up soon but I absolutely love having my card back in. Now to try and sell the 7850.
Glad to hear its up and running and the vibration was easily solved - when no doubt you immediately thought it could be expensive/annoying etc lol

Is there much left to do now?

Yeah so relieved! :)

In honesty not a lot left to do other than further overclocking of gpu.

I am waiting for some braided extensions which should bring a bit of cable love.

I will then give the case a spring clean and then I can fully cable manage the build.

Glad its nearly done, can't wait for pics.

Its best to keep your cables tidy, as you now know. :)

They were fine, basically I tucked the spare pice cable away when I swapped to the 7850. When I put the 780 back in I pulled the second PCIE out and into the 780. Doing so seems to have caused the front fan and mobo header cables to dislodge from their little corner.

It's nice knowing I don't need to fiddle daily anymore :)
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