Mavericks keeps renaming my external drive :-(

30 Sep 2005
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone can help a mac newbie please (long time windows user, recent convert)

I have an external USB3 connected to my Mac. The drive is never disconnected as I use it for downloading to.

Unfortunately I'm getting a bit annoyed with it. I've no idea why, but sometimes it gets disconnected (power saving, random issue etc etc) and when it comes back it's under a new name incremented by a numeric

Drive is labeled STORAGE

after a disconnect it's called STORAGE 1

after another disconnect it's called STORAGE 2 etc etc

This is VERY annoying. I've just logged into my machine after leaving a download running to find it's failed. The HDD is online but today it's called STORAGE 2 (it was STORAGE when I started the download). That's 8 hours wasted lol

How can I stop it being renamed? I've tried creating a dynamic mount point, but my terminal skills are at the VERY basic level at the minute. I'm struggling finding out the UUID number lol

diskutil info /Volumes/Storage 2 <----- doesn't work for me

Thanks :D
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