Mavericks question - Second Display

5 Feb 2006
Hey Guys,

Quick question that im probably being stupid about. I'm trying to watch the rugby on sky using an HDMI cable to my tv. I have it dragged onto it but want to do work at the same time. When i full screen it and then click on my 'left' screen to do some work it makes it come off full screen. Am i being silly, is there a way around this ???:confused::confused::confused:
Make sure you "click" your display where the rugby is before you go back to your regular screen (kind of 'locks' it in place)

When I connect my MBP to my TV with a HDMI, I try and make sure the positioning is as accurate as possible as sometimes this exact thing happens.I'm assuming this bug could be fixed by Apple in a future update.

Apart from this issue, multi-screening has been superb so far with Mavericks :)
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