Max ADSL - Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

23 Mar 2004
Up t'north

Well ive just been informed by someone at bt that my line is crap basically. I was regraded about 2 weeks ago and was told i should get upto 6.5 mbps which i thought was great. So after 10 days of the training period i was getting really crappy speeds, nothing over 0.5mbps in general. So after our conversation he tells me that i am in the 0.5% of the customer who cannot have Adsl Max and that I need to ring them back tomorrow to go back onto my 2meg account. This has utterly peeved me off not just because i cant have full speed but I've spent 2 weeks on shockingly slow broadband.

Thanks for taking an interest! :D

Just took this screeny:

I havent experienced any drops at all as for the bt speed test am abit confused of what to do.

Im using a Voyager 1250 wireless router btw.

csmager said:
Or, more precisely, a problem with BT Wholesale's side.

Still screams BRAS profile problem tbh. If you've been reading the other threads, the BRAS profile can dictate your maximum data rate. It goes down in roughly 0.5Mb steps - e.g. 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 etc. And it sounds like you're on the 0.5Mb one.

I would've thought BT Retail might've offered to log a fault with wholesale, rather than just saying 'go back to 2Mb'.

what can/shall i do then?

csmager said:
According to the way it's percieved all this stuff works, a low sync can cause the BRAS profile to plummet down to match it so nasty things don't happen with overflows. Going the other way isn't quite as immediate - it takes 3 days of syncing at a higher rate to get it increased.

I'm fairly sure from what you've been synced at a higher rate than 1Mb for 3 days - unless you can tell me anything different? If it has, then it would indicate a problem. If not, then just wait 3 days.

I'm not sure what to suggest re dealing with it - BT Retail evidently weren't very helpful the first time - maybe try again and request them to log it as a fault? Be sure to point out that you've been synced stably at speeds well in excess of 7Mb for (insert number) days, so you can't see that there's a problem with the line...

Well ive been synced at over 7mb now for probably over a week. So its not going to get any faster is it?

I think im going to have to ring BT up again for a 3rd time today and ask them to register a fault, unless you think otherwise.

Thanks again

tolien said:
Yup, get asking for a fault. The BT Retail guy's talking rubbish.

So basically ring up and say 'Oi! I wanna report a fault on my phone line?' or something to that extent?

Well that was a huge waste of time.

I spoke to Chris and at last count during our conversation he said 'basically' 84 times! He said that I should re-power cycle again and see what happens in the next 72 hours and if nothing happens.

He said the rate isnt below 409 so it isnt a line fault.

Ive power cycled my router and I suppose i shall see what happens. I personally think he didnt know what he was on about.

csmager said:
I'd really doubt anything will just magically increase. There's obviously nothing wrong with the line on a hardware level, but there is obviously something very wrong with the line setup somewhere on a software level - as I said, most likely the BRAS profile.

I can't believe that BT Retail are so stubborn as to not log a fault because 409k speeds on a 7000k+ line 'aren't out of spec'. I'd almost be tempted to jump ISP (either by going back to 2Mb first, or maybe not) and find someone who has a support line who knows something.

They are complete idiots and it just sounds like they dont want to do the paper work, they said wait 3 days, as soon as thats elapsed ill be ringing them up and saying that id like to cancel my connection completely and see what happens through them.



This is the first time in over a week ive had over a meg, not sure how long it will last though, I suppose ill gave to cross my fingers and wait!

Its an improved ADSL connection for broadband users that can be up to 8mbps. Theres loads of info knocking about here and adslguide, chances are if your on ADSL you should be able to upgrade now or sometime soon, most questions are asked and answered here .

Well i just downloaded a test file from Zen and did it in 22 seconds @ 394.4kbps, which isnt bad at all!

Well another weekend of slows speeds has just finished! I gave BT another call and spoke to a nice chap who actually knew or pretended very well what he was on about.

I've got an official line fault at long last. 5 phonecalls and 2 weeks its taken me, so woohoo.

I will have to see what the engineer says when he rings back, if he rings back!

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