Just noticed the maximum LEds per header for my motherboard is 80.
I was going to go for the triple phanteks d30s which have 30 LEDs each, daisy chained would make 90 thus im assuming 10 of the LEDs will not work?
If that is the case, then what are the options?
Would a seperate RGB controller work and if so which would you recommend?
Appreciate the help, should have noticed before i bought the board
Just noticed the maximum LEds per header for my motherboard is 80.
I was going to go for the triple phanteks d30s which have 30 LEDs each, daisy chained would make 90 thus im assuming 10 of the LEDs will not work?
If that is the case, then what are the options?
Would a seperate RGB controller work and if so which would you recommend?
Appreciate the help, should have noticed before i bought the board