MAx overclock for q6600 with...

Damn... only 5Ghz? :D

Does this mean then that i wont have to do anything to my RAM when i overclock my Q6600?

I also plan on overclocking my G8 seens as im told its easy with software :)
How do the ratios work? Im curious about this stuff to.

Currently i was going to buy 1066Mhz, could i set the rations so that all of the 1066 is being used or almost all of it?

I plan on clocking my q6600 to 3Ghz, although its going to be GO so i might put it up to 3.2 hopfuly!

Im confused as to how all this ram works. And if you dont need 1066, why do people overclock it to 1200?
Ok then thanks.

So how do you set the divider? is it just an option in the bios where you type in a ratio?

If i had my Q6600 at 3 GHZ, possibly 3.2 GHZ.

Then how would i work out the ratio? That way i can work out the ratio if i do have a slightly differnt clock.

1066 DDR2 is running at 533 because its double right? And my processor at 320. Would i have to set the ratio at like 4:5?
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