Max Payne 2 music?

30 Oct 2004
Sacramento, CA, USA
Was playing MP2 today for the first time in the while and it reminded me how great the music is in it, especially the main menu classical song.

I've got the Poet's Of The Fall song on single but can you buy the soundtrack? Or does anyone know the main classical song so I can get hold of it?
From the looks of it, you probably can't get a soundtrack on CD or anything, though I'd have thought there is some sort of way to take the misic files out of the game perhaps.
Poets of the Fall are brilliant - their latest album ... Carnival of Rust is great as well :D

MP II is what got me started on PotF, an i can say i've not looked back since ...

"late goodbye" is indeed the track - its a brilliant bit of music
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