Ive been asked to put this thread on here by a mate of main.
He has just bought himself a E6700 and was wondering what the most he could get out of it, on air.
Hes been told that it will go to 4 Ghz but ive tried to tell that aint possible but all i get from him is "ive been told i can", this i think was told to him by the guy he bought it from.
So he's challenged me to prove the 4 Ghz wrong and to give him a more realistic figure.
Hes using a Asus P5K3 mobo.
He has just bought himself a E6700 and was wondering what the most he could get out of it, on air.
Hes been told that it will go to 4 Ghz but ive tried to tell that aint possible but all i get from him is "ive been told i can", this i think was told to him by the guy he bought it from.
So he's challenged me to prove the 4 Ghz wrong and to give him a more realistic figure.
Hes using a Asus P5K3 mobo.