Max volts for 2 x 1GB Geil PC6400

18 Oct 2002

As title, what is the most juice you'd put through this kit?

The sticker on my sticks says 2.1v. That is what I'm currently running on as set in BIOS of P5W-DH Deluxe.

Can I safely go any higher?


I am running mine at 2.3V no problem. Check the geilusa website for specs. From what I remember they say specified voltage was xx-2.3. On the overclockers item description it says the same.

Vanilla_Ice said:
The sticker on my sticks says 2.1v.

2.1v is the recommended minimum it needs to start working at all. A lot of other users have tripped up at this stage because they've put their vdimm on auto and the mobo supplies 1.8v by default - therefore not enough juice.

Anyway, as jpe20 has already mentioned you can safely go upto 2.3v and stay within warranty :)
[timko] said:
2.1v is the recommended minimum it needs to start working at all. A lot of other users have tripped up at this stage because they've put their vdimm on auto and the mobo supplies 1.8v by default - therefore not enough juice.

Anyway, as jpe20 has already mentioned you can safely go upto 2.3v and stay within warranty :)

Not sure thats entirely correct mate, I've had my geil running at 1.8v for a few days now, prime95/game, etc stable. I reckon its more to do with tighter timings when you have to increase Vdimm to 2.1v, but I would, as a matter of course, increase the vdimm to about 2.0v-2.1v regardless once I get this system running properly (overclocked :D )
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