Maximum Body Fat Loss/Muscle Gain - 3 Weeks

20 Nov 2004
Hi all

July 2013 - 93kg, 28% body fat, 36" waist. To much junk for years/no exercise for years made me fat!

I worked hard with a PT at the gym 3 times a week, 3 day split on weights. Some HIT work also such as sprints at the end of the workouts. Cut out all the junk in my diet and maintained a high protein diet with carb cycling, carb loading on the gym days and reducing on the rest days.I took Maximuscle Cyclone on gym days and Promax on rest days along with creatine throughout.

May 2014 - 83kg, 19% body fat, 40% muscle mass and 32" waist. I looked and felt GOOD!

I got lazy, iv not been to the gym properly now for 7 months and gone back to eating crap. Im back up to 89kg and very poor body fat % and 24" waist.

I know what to do as iv done it before (as above) and it works for me. And I fully appreciate there is no 'quick fix'. I will not get back to where I was in 3 weeks. Iv done the long hard slog so I know this.

Im off to vegas in 3 weeks for my Stag! :O

My question.... What would you do with only 3 weeks time to see maximum results?

NOTE: I intend to continue my hard work after Vegas also!
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