Max's Training Log 2015

19 May 2005
Here we go again chaps.

2014 was a pretty decent year over all, enjoyed lifting, hit PBs, ate awesome food.

PBs achieved in 2014 were:

100kg bench
145kg squat
190kg deadlift

2015 PB aims:

115kg bench
160kg squat
200kg+ deadlift

I've also started road cycling so I will use this log to post any updates regarding that, I'd like to get around 1500 miles in this year.

Rather than posting daily updates I am just going to do a weekly one on a Sunday.

So first one for 2015....

Week 1 - 4/1/15


Followed a loose DUP template, read here for some info:

My first cycle of DUP is looking like this...


Will be training 3 days a week with an accessory day, then a cycle on the weekend.


17 miles and a fair amount of elevation, had to turn back those as the hill beat me, I will get it soon though!

Average weekly bodyweight:


Macros wise I'm on around 2550 aiming for 160p/300c/80f...
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Week 2 - 4/1/15


Completed my first week of DUP and initially it kicked my butt; but a lot of it is the mental struggle knowing im eating less :p

I'll update next Sunday my thoughts on week 2.


This mornings ride:

My go-to route at the moment, managed loads more PBs, new top speed and smashed the hill I was previously struggling with.

Was a bit more economical with my gearing which made life easier.

Average weekly bodyweight:


Stayed exactly the same this week despite being on 2500 calories, 4 training sessions and a cycle last weekend :(

Going to have a bit of a carb refeed today post cycling see if that kicks things into gear a bit.

If no movement in the week I will drop down to 2400 which sucks.
Week 3 - 11/1/15


Second week of DUP was much much better, hit all reps with good form and power. Also managed to squat without my lifting shoes and used my Vibram's instead. Felt a lot more stable for some reason and wasn't compensating for the heel if that makes sense? Either way I will be doing the same this week and see how it goes.

Particular highlights/nightmares were 5x5 deads @ 145kg :(


Weather wasn't looking great so had a turbo session planned but I managed to sneak out for an hour this afternoon for a quick ride around a local circuit...

Average weekly bodyweight:


Finally a bit of movement, down around 0.5kg this week.

I'll be going to 2300 calories next week, keeping the small refeed on a Sunday post cycle if I can.
25/1/15 - Week 3 Update


Third week of DUP went well, deads of always gruelling and the de-load will be very welcomed.

In terms of structuring the de-load I've not quite decided yet, possibly use Week 3s weights with half the volume.


Another 20 miler, more PRs and a better average speed :cool:

Time to up the distance a bit though, 25 mile next week.

Average weekly bodyweight:


Bit of movement but to aid in the diet adherence I'll be introducing some calorie cycling.

Will be 2600 calories on training days, 1800 on rest days.
Update time...

Cycling wise here's my last 2 rides.

First one was with BennyC, slightly longer and very very cold!


This morning ride, standard 20 mile variation of a route local to me.


Training wise I'm on my 2nd cycle of DUP, recent lifts are looking like this:


5*5 @ 147.5kg
6*3 @ 125kg
4*6 @ 135kg


5*5 @ 115kg
6*3 @ 97.5kg
4*8 @ 100kg


5*5 @ 82.5kg
6*3 @ 67.5kg
4*8 @ 70kg

Hitting all my reps, form is still solid so I'm happy, currently doing no accessory work at all.

I've got next week then off on holiday for 2 weeks, will probably get some training in at some point as there's some joocey gyms in OZ.

Mainly going to be swimming, cycling and BBQing though. Just got to keep an eye on portions and not undo the work I've done this year.

Diet is working very well, Leangains serving its purpose of diet adherance and effectiveness.

Currently dropping weight steadily, down around 4kg since New Year:


Macro goals at the moment are:

Rest day 140p/100c/100f
Training day (inc cycling) 140p/375c/60f

Averages around 2250 a week.
Will update when I'm back :cool:
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