May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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28 Nov 2008
After a Seattle artist's cartoon went viral, she says she's not going with it.

Molly Norris drew up a sketch declaring May 20th "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" after Comedy Central cut a portion of a South Park episode following a death threat from a radical Muslim group.

Norris explained her motivation on an appearance on KIRO Radio's Dave Ross show. "As a cartoonist I just felt so much passion about what had happened I wanted to kind of counter Comedy Central's message they sent about feeling afraid."
I think it is brilliant.
Producers of South Park had announced Thursday that Comedy Central removed a speech about intimidation and fear from their show after a radical Muslim group warned that they could be killed for insulting the Prophet Muhammad.

The group said it wasn't threatening South Park producers Trey Parker and Matt Stone, but it included a gruesome picture of Theo Van Gogh, a Dutch filmmaker killed by a Muslim extremist in 2004, and said the producers could meet the same fate. The website posted the addresses of Comedy Central's New York office and the California production studio where South Park is made.
Religion is good
Is it really? Or is it personal faith that is/can be good?

In my mind, religion just elevates a few into a position of power over (and the abuse of) the many, and often unashamedly the desperate and poor.

As Jesus said; "Wherever people will gather in my name, there will be my church." So, then (in the case of a Christian example), why does a church need a state? A hierarchy? A priest? Political infighting?

Religion, unlike faith, enslaves intellect and praises ignorance.

Religion is flawed because man is flawed, and that will always be the case.
There's more to religion than that. It's funny that people like you think you're being more open minded than a religious person when in fact, all you're doing is showing just how close minded you are. You have to realise that religion is more than just believing in God. It's a way of like for many, with rich cultures, traditions that spans generation and it many cases, it brings harmony through celebrations. In essence, it makes people happy so why should you take this away from them? Look at our society today and how it's been degraded through lack of culture. You just need to look at a bunch of chavs to see that. Sure, there are always extremists that bring trouble but that's don't label religion as a whole because of a few people who are just crazy.

I am a fairly religious person, not so much that I abide to every "rule" people have made up over the years, but I follow the morals that I have been taught which focus on helping people and to generally be happy in life through spiritualism. At no point has religion stopped me from studying sciences at a top University and be successful at it. My point to all you people attacking religion, be a bit more open minded as to what it really stands for.
Hang on. You seem to think I am talking about extremists, when I am not. I am talking about religion in general.

Or, are you saying that a religion that elevates a few (pope, bishops, cardinals, priests, leaders) is a rare thing and only representative of a 'few' extreme cases?
It was more a message to all the people that seem to think religion is stupid. Sorry to have quoted you. I know you weren't talking about extremists which further proves my point in some ways. Not all religions have this hierarchical system so don't attack religion as a whole.
Which major religions do not? (I'll concede Hinduism already).
If there was no such thing as religion, I don't think our moral code would be as strong.
Rubbish, rubbish, rubbish. An anecdotal, unfounded argument adopted by defenders of institutionalised 'religion'.

The human race evolved the ability to be civilised and live socially. We evolved the ability to have 'morals' on a number of levels. We thank nature for that, not religion.
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