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May have bought wrong parts?

5 Jan 2005
Engerland :)
Ok so I was saving to get a laptop after selling my old i7 920 machine...
Just CANT justify how much the laptop is that I want so started to build a little machine for the kids.

Matx Biostar 1155 board.
G870 cpu
4gb ram (1066)
No gpu..

Then noticed a I5 3570k cpu on market.... Bought it.
Then was going to pick up a cheap gpu card....
Erm went for a AMD sapphire rx 480 nitro..

Now this may seem a bit of a miss mash but if I maybe just change the ram to Ddr 1600 x 8gb or 16.... Or just chuck in another 4gb 1066 stick?

Would this all run better than the i7 920 and an evga gtx 970 that I was running a while a go? I only game a little at 1080p.

Also what cooler should I get? Preferably just air.
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Should run very nicely, the 3570k will be a good bit better than the old i7 for games. Which particular model is the motherboard? Depending on age it may require a bios update to use the 3570k. Ram wise, 8gb of 1600mhz is pretty much fine for gaming.
Looking at the cpu support section on the biostar site, seems your good to go. Although iirc overclocking is a no go on the H chipset boards. But not a big deal tbh as the 3570k will still be quicker than the bloomfield i7 at stock. A switch i made myself a few years ago.
Thanks. Any recommendations for the cooler? Or just pop the stock one from Intel for the G870.. I assume it would be the same and ok if I can't OC it?
Ok so if I wanted to pick up a board to overclock it a little. What's my options? Can find more h61 boards...
Are the matx over clocking boards hard to find?
Was your 920 overclocked?
Surely a 920 overclocked is going to be virtually the same as an nonclocked 3570?
Is there actually much in it?

The newer motherboard architecture might bring additional features, something that I am beginning to find lacking on my p5tdeluxe v2, lack of better usb etc an issue when it comes to external backup drives and restricted speeds.
The i7 was over clocked to 3.5ghz but was hot.... No worries running this at stock... Is suppose to be a stop gap pc. But if I could have swapped the board out for another for a little bit more performance as it's a k chip. Buy no worries. Am sure it will be fine for 1080p and the rx 480 won't be strangled too much?
The p5 deluxe was the board I had. What I have learned is you don't need to change every couple of years...
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