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8 Aug 2007
Hi Guys

It gives me great pleasure to finally announce availability of the new Blitz cleaning kits from Mayhems.

This is perhaps the most comprehensive system cleaning solution ever offered to the watercooling community. Both kits contain everything you need to perform a full system clean and ensure that PH levels are correct before putting new fluid in the system.

The Blitz kit is designed to clean radiators and blocks and keep your watercooling system running in peak condition for longer.

The Pro Kit comes with everything you need including a PH meter so that you can check your PH levels regularly to ensure best running of your system and the Basic kit ships with the same stuff except for the PH meter.

This is obviously not for everyone and really aimed at hardcore watercooling enthusiasts who want absolute control over the coolant in their system.


Mayhems Blitz Pro Cleaning System @ £24.95 inc VAT


Mayhems Blitz Pro Cleaning System is the most comprehensive cleaning kit ever released for liquid cooling computers. It has been developed to clean you radiator’s better than new and leave your system in perfect condition. It even comes with a electronic pH test meter so you can check your levels and keep up with regular maintenance on your system

Even though this is a cleaning solution it is not a long term effective inhibitor. Never leave it in your system longer than 24 hours.

This cleaning system is not safe to use around children and animals. Part 1 and Part 2 of the system uses highly effective cleaning acids down to PH 2 and you must take appropriate measures when using such products. You can dispose of the fluids down the drain once they have been diluted.

· 100ml Mayhems Blitz Part 1 100ml (will dilute to 2 Ltrs of fluid)
· 100ml Mayhems Blitz Part 2 100ml (will dilute to 4 Ltrs of fluid)
· Rubber Gloves 4 sets
· Safety Goggles
· PH test Meter
· PH Buffer solution
· Instructions
· Warning Sheet

Part 1 Mayhems Blitz Pro Cleaning

For internal use on Capper / Brass radiators only.
Do not use on plated products.
Do not spill on paint work and if you do so, rinse off immediately.

· Maximum effectiveness
· Rapid neutralisation of surface rust, contamination and oxidation
· Rigorous removal of mineral scale deposits
· Excellent suspension of particulates
· Low foaming
· Hard water tolerant
· Can be disposed of down grey-water (waste / outside) drain
· With "Care" this is easy to handle and straight forward to use
· May Improve heat transfer rate

Usage of Part 1 of the Mayhems Blitz Pro Cleaning System

1. Put on the Gloves provided in the kit.
2. Mix Part one with deionised water / distilled water (either will do) to a ratio of 50ml of part 1 to 950ml of water.
3. Add to the radiator and clean up any spills immediately.
4. Vent the system of any trapped air and cap the radiator.
5. Recirculate for a maximum of two hours. (shake every 10 min)
6. After two hours empty down the waste drain. DO NOT LEAVE LONGER THAN TWO HOURS
7. Refill with deionised water / distilled water (either will do) and rise out.
8. Repeat this 2 times.
9. Refit to loop and move to Part Two of the cleaning system.

Part 2 Mayhems Blitz Pro Cleaning System

· pH neutral (Ph7 -0.5 / +0.5)
· Effective neutralisation of contaminants.
· Good removal of slime, silt & detritus
· Excellent suspension of particulates
· Hard water tolerant
· Can be disposed of down grey-water (waste / outside) drain
· May Improve heat transfer rate

Usage of Part 2 Mayhems Blitz Pro Cleaning System

1. Drain existing system contents.
2. Mix Part two with deionised water / distilled water (either will do) to a ratio of 25ml of Mayhems Blitz part 2 to 975ml of water.
3. Mayhems Blitz Part 2 will create a lot of foam. Please add to system slowly, do not over fill.
4. Vent the system of any trapped air. Do this by tilting the pc to release any tapped air from the radiator.
5. Check for leaks. Using just the pump, recirculate the fluids for 24 hours continuously. Regularly check any installed filters and clean as necessary.
6. Refill with deionised water / distilled water (either will do).
7. Run for 30 minutes
8. Empty out and refill with deionised water / distilled water (either will do)
9. Run for 30 minutes
10. Empty out and fill with your favourite coolant.

This cleaning system is not safe to use around children and animals. Part 1 and Part 2 of the system uses highly effective cleaning acids down to PH 2 and you must take appropriate measures when using such products. You can dispose of the fluids down the drain once they have been diluted.

Only £24.95 inc VAT.


Mayhems Blitz Basic Cleaning System @ £19.99 inc VAT


"Mayhems Blitz Basic Cleaning System" is a single part highly effective cleaning system for liquid cooling loops. "Mayhems Blitz Basic Cleaning System" is a whole system flush that will not only clean the system it can improve the overall performance of your system.

Even though this is a cleaning solution it is not a long term effective inhibitor. Never leave it in your system longer than 24 hours.

This cleaning system is not safe to use around children and animals. You can dispose of the fluids down the drain once they have been diluted.

Warning PDF
Cleaning Docs


- 100ml Mayhems Blitz Part 2 (100ml will make up to 4 Ltrs of cleaning fluid)
- 60ml Messuring Cup (Graduated every 5ml up to 30ml then every 10ml up to 60ml)
- Rubber Gloves 2 sets (4 single gloves)
- Safety Goggles (you can still ware your normal glasses at the same time)
- Set of PH test Strips
- Instructions
- Warning Sheet

Part 2 Mayhems Blitz Pro Cleaning System

- pH neutral (Ph7 -0.5 / +0.5)
- Effective neutralisation of contaminants.
- Good removal of slime, silt & detritus
- Excellent suspension of particulates
- Hard water tolerant
- Can be disposed of down grey-water (waste / outside) drain
- May Improve heat transfer rate

Usage of Part 2 Mayhems Blitz Pro Cleaning System

1. Drain existing system contents.
2. Mix Part two with deionised water / distilled water (either will do) to a ratio of 25ml of Mayhems Blitz part 2 to 975ml of water.
3. Mayhems Blitz Part 2 will create a lot of foam. Please add to system slowly, do not over fill.
4. Vent the system of any trapped air. Do this by tilting the pc to release any tapped air from the radiator.
5. Check for leaks. Using just the pump, recirculate the fluids for 24 hours continuously. Regularly check any installed filters and clean as necessary.
6. Refill with deionised water / distilled water (either will do).
7. Run for 30 minutes
8. Empty out and refill with deionised water / distilled water (either will do)
9. Run for 30 minutes
10. Empty out and fill with your favourite coolant.


This cleaning system is not safe to use around children and animals. You can dispose of the fluids down the drain once they have been diluted.

Only £19.99 inc VAT.

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Wow. Some pearling rigs here guys.

I will pick a winner at some point next week. Shall we say, after Wednesday?
Ok Guys

a little late with announcing the winners here, apologies for that!

In first place and winner of the Blitz Pro Kit, gcaster with a clean build in a 540 air. I really like the colour scheme used and the simple loop layout. The desk setup looks great too!

In Second place and winner of the Blitz Basic Kit, Avenged7Fold with a striking UV system. I really liked the colours used on this and photography makes it really stand out for me.

So, Congratulations guys. and thankyou all for the great entries. really hard picking winners as the standard is very high.

Can the two winners please send me trust messages with their addresses so that I can get your prizes out to you as soon as possible :)
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