Mayhems non-staining dyes?

4 Jun 2007
Watford, UK
Hoping that Mayhems can answer this please?

I've always gone for a clear, colourless coolant; originally a friend of mine said to me "Would you rather have a colourless stain on your carpet or alien green?!" and it's been good advice. I've also seen staining from coloured coolants and as I'm going to be having some custom acrylic work done, I don't want to wreck it. If I were to use Mayhems non-staining dyes, would I have any issues with it staining my loop? Loop will be mostly acrylic but with a small amount of unseen soft tubing.

I've currently got 3 litres of clear, colourless EC6 ready to fill. Would the dyes be compatible with this and still be non-staining? I can deal with a "we're not sure" answer, this is entirely an afterthought and EC6 isn't a Mayhems product.

Many thanks in advance.
Thanks for that. The tubing will either be acrylic or Mayhems glass. There will be some soft Tygon E3603 bit it's not visible and expendable. My carpet is most definitely my fault and my problem if I get it there...and I have done in the past *sigh* I'm mainly concerned about whether it could stain the custom acrylic as that's what would be the most expensive/awkward to replace. If you rekon it wouldn't stain that (?) and should he compatible with the EC6 I've got, I'll probably give it a go as I think it's going to need some contrast.
I could but I'm going to be getting custom acrylic block work cut and that will be clear. There won't actually be all that much acrylic tube in the end, just from floor to gpu and gpu to cpu.
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