MBA - always "unable to connect" initially...

21 Oct 2008
Mooching... in your house
Does anyone else have this? Whenever I come out of sleep (i.e. open the lid) it will always do this:


Despite the fact that "SiFi" is the network it was connected to before sleep, and nothing changed from that end.

Besides which, its in the list so it can see it. I always have to click the one I want to use and all is well so why on earth does it pop up?

Cheers :)
Yep its all saved, this happens with both my home (sky) network and my mifi device (I call it SiFi cuz my name is Si :D)

Doesn't happen at work where we have a Airport Extreme...

Used to happen with my old MBA too...
I don't understand, I don't have a problem connecting to any WiFi points or dropouts. I have all updates as from today. I even reloading OSX from scratch and I couldn't replicate what you guys are saying.

If I close the lid and re-open it after standby it just connects to the WiFi network as I was connected.
if I close and open the lid within a few minutes then yeah it's ok, but any notable length of time and the connection drops... I'd understand if the wireless was initialising or something, but the fact that it can see the network and it knows the password (since all I have to press is join) is a real strange problem.

Like I said though, hasn't happened once on my Airport Extreme at work so I thunk it's an issue with certain routers? Or certain protocols?
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