MBA - What's Up With My Screen

30 Dec 2008
Hi guys, I have a V1 Mac Book Air which I purchased from Apple at the end of August 2008 - a few months before V2 came out - damn.

Anyway, down to my problem. Whilst browsing the net a few weeks ago, i noticed a small, super bright white "dot" on the screen. At first I thought it was just a bit of dirt, but when i tried to clear it, it didn't budge. Upon closer inspection, it looks as if it is behind the glass pane. I just dismissed it at the time and carried on working, hoping it would go in time.

Well, it didn't. And now, three more have formed around the screen. So, now i have four very bright, very distracting dots, almost like pin pricks on my screen. They are most noticeable when on a white background, i.e. Safari start page, but you can still see them on colours, like the one next to the OcUK logo at the top.

These are beginning to irritate me so i was wondering if this is a fault on the screen or have i been doing something wrong. I purchased Apple Care at the same time, so if it's going to be a warranty job, its going back ASAP.

Thanks for your help.
Well what you're describing sounds like dead pixels, but I've only really ever heard of them being there from day 1 - not just appearing over time.

If you are close to an Apple Store it's probably worth taking it down there.
Otherwise, you can ask for it to be picked up and repaired, I think - follow the Support links on the Apple website.
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