MBP applecare/rant ><

21 Dec 2006
Im just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience to me?

I purchased a late 2008 MBP in november 08, it worked fine untill Febuary when it developed a problem where it would freeze when using the web. It then spread through to freezing using any application and then to the point where it wouldnt start up. On top of that it would loose its wireless conection for no reason every 20-30 minutes.

I got it repaired after having to drive two 4 hour round trips to my nearest store to take it and pick it up :mad: It got a new logic board, RAM and airport card. This seemed to fix the issue.

All was well untill this week and the same issue has risen its head again. Out of the blue it started freezing using web broswers again after about 10-15 mins of use. So i phoned apple up and spent literally the entire afternoon on the phone to tech support. I ended up speaking to 4 different people over the course of a number of hours. (all 4 were excellent though, especially the 2 Irish blokes :D)

We went through every check up/repair/scan thingy they could think of even though it made no difference last time it had the exact same issue. Eventually they aksed me to do an erase and install. This did nothing but make the issue even worse and now i cant even get to the desktop.

The applecare guys all said they have never seen this issue at all before. Ive spent ages searching forums trying to find someone with the same issue to no avail.

However what really gets my back up is this: I have had this machine for about 7 months, it cost me the best part of £1500 and in that time its rendered itself literally useless twice. Yet after asking numerous times for a replacement i was turned down. Yet others seem to get new machines no questions asked for little things like slightly wonky keyboards or little scratches on the body.....what gives! Its even more infuriating because ive spent over £5.5k with them over the last 18 months, so feel like i deserve more than what im getting.
The answer i always get is "im not due a replacement for this kind of issue" or something along those lines. It just seems totally unfair.

Its now booked in for its second repair so im without it for another week+ all over again. Thankfully they agreed to send me a pre paid mail-in box this time to save me the 4 hour round trips.

Where do i stand on this? The terms and conditions simply says something along the lines of "replacements will only be given at apples discretion". I really dont want to find that another 2-3 months down the line i get this again and they are still fobbing me off.
After having such a great experience with apple and my Mac Pro, this situation has really left me felling underwhelmed by their performance.
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