MBP doesn't charge whilst playing games in Windows

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9 Nov 2004
Just been lucky enough to have had a 2 hour session on Crysis and my battery(/laptop) died, even though it was plugged in and the little green LED was on. Anyone else experienced this or know what I can do about it?

yeah, it's working fine now. it just completely died whilst attached to mains in Windows. we are not amused :/
Weird. I've noticed Windows misreads the power sometimes. Says its charging when it isnt and vice versa, but never gone off.

Sure it didnt overheat or something?
it was on my lap and no hotter than normal. crysis has a battery indicator on screen at all times and it was definitely decreasing. it does this in any game, but I've never played one long enough to see what happens - I assumed it would just go onto mains power rather than kill itself!
I've sometimes had to unplug, then re-plug the laptop in windows to get it to notice it. Try doing that after you've booted into windows and see if the same thing happens.
In theory if its drawing more power than the supply is rated for (85w I believe for MBP adaptors) then it could not charge and if went way past it might discharge as though it wasn't plugged in at all. what MBP do you have?

It's not beyond the realm of possibility it's bad drivers and/or power management in windows...
I've just been to see a Genius and the only thing he could find was a problem with core 2 duos and ACPI in Windows - apparently it's a problem that Intel are looking into but I guess that means we'll never know when it's going to be sorted.

I have a 2.4Ghz MBP. It's not a huge deal, just means that I can't play games for more than 2.5 hours!
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