Yesterday I switched on my 2.2Ghz 2007 MBP and was greeted with a totally black screen. I tried rebooting it a number of times, resetting the PRAM and NVRAM amd doing a 'safe boot' without success. Then I went out to a gig 
Today I plugged it into an external monitor, expecting it to work. It didn't - the external monitor gets no signal at all. 'Uh-oh,' I think, and boot up my Mac Mini using the MPB in target disk mode. Joy; it works!
I've now set up Screen Sharing on the MBP and am VNCing into it from my PC. This works, but the MBP will simply not detect either the external monitor or its screen - in Display options it just gives a default list of resolutions and the display isn't 'named'.
Most worryingly, when I go into System Profiler and look at the Graphics / Displays tab, the program crashes almost immediately before displaying any information
My MBP is my main work machine, and I use it for probably two gigs a week with various bands. I literally use it for maybe 8 hours every day on average, and so not having it is a problem! Kind Appley people of OcUK, if any of you have any advice as to possible ways to fix this problem or alternatively whether it's completely dead / requiring a repair, I'd be very grateful indeed for your assistance

Today I plugged it into an external monitor, expecting it to work. It didn't - the external monitor gets no signal at all. 'Uh-oh,' I think, and boot up my Mac Mini using the MPB in target disk mode. Joy; it works!
I've now set up Screen Sharing on the MBP and am VNCing into it from my PC. This works, but the MBP will simply not detect either the external monitor or its screen - in Display options it just gives a default list of resolutions and the display isn't 'named'.
Most worryingly, when I go into System Profiler and look at the Graphics / Displays tab, the program crashes almost immediately before displaying any information

My MBP is my main work machine, and I use it for probably two gigs a week with various bands. I literally use it for maybe 8 hours every day on average, and so not having it is a problem! Kind Appley people of OcUK, if any of you have any advice as to possible ways to fix this problem or alternatively whether it's completely dead / requiring a repair, I'd be very grateful indeed for your assistance
