MBP, MB or wait...

6 Jun 2004
Hi all,

Hate to go over old ground but I just wanted to insight into the performance differences between the MBP and MB...

I am looking to replace my laptop (a 13.3", 2Ghz Core 2 Duo, 2Gb RAM unit) with my first ever Apple computer (except for my iPhone?). I really miss having a desktop setup at home but I love the mobility I gain from a laptop (even though I don't really take it out the house).

Here is my plan:
Buy a MB or MBP and the Apple Cinema display along with an Apple mouse/keyboard.
I know this will add up (£££) but I think it's perfect for a dual setup - I can use it like a desktop when I want to knuckle down to coding or some other task but can easily whip it away for a little bit of web browsing etc.
I obviously want it to last as long as possible (my current laptop, whilst expensive when I bought it, has lasted nearly 2 years now without issues) so I want to know the difference if I got a MBP or a MB. Initially I was heading towards the cheapest MB Alu (2Ghz edition) but now I'm having second thoughts, given I want it to last a while...

So - I assume the MBP has the DisplayPort adapter the same as the MB. Other than a slightly faster CPU and a bigger screen, What other benefits do I gain by spending the extra £300+ on the MBP?

How long do you reckon it'll take Apple to get the i7 chips inside their MacBooks? are we talking 6 months or 18?

Thanks for the advice!
9600m GT
Dedicated video memory

same display port connector.

I can't see the i7 hitting mobiles for quite a while. The mainstream i7 chips ie the non 1366, aren't till mid next year, so only enthusiast models till then.

Can't see portable launching till after that.
I've never needed Firewire or an ExpressCard slot but the additionally speced (if that makes any sense....?) is something I hadn't spotted...

The 2.0 macbook is very snappy, i wouldnt bother paying extra for the 2.4 unless you would miss the illuminated keyboard as only the 2.4 has that.

I would go for the 2.0ghz macbook with maybe the 4gb RAM upgrade, hard drive would be something i would upgrade myself, then buy the cinema display, i saw one of them in the apple store and the screen is lovely :)

Your a windows user i'm assuming? OSX on a 2ghz machine is fine and the next version (snow leopard) will be even quicker with its concentration on performance and also using the GPU for tasks other than GFX :)
Your a windows user i'm assuming? OSX on a 2ghz machine is fine and the next version (snow leopard) will be even quicker with its concentration on performance and also using the GPU for tasks other than GFX :)

What else will the GPU be doing then other than gfx?
What else will the GPU be doing then other than gfx?

From my limited knowledge it will do things that a cpu normally does, like helping with general cpu tasks, it could be a big speed boost :)

GPU's have a lot of power just waiting to be used, i think that windows 7 may be going this way too.
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