MBP Not Charging Properly

14 Dec 2005
As the title says, it's not charging properly.

For the last hour I've just been doing general surfing and word processing, so about 20% processor usage mainly (40% on pages with flash!). When I plugged it in to the mains an hour ago, the orange light came on and it reckoned an hour to charge it. Now it's still orange and reckons it's gonna take 1 hour 47 minutes to charge it.

I'd understand it if I was doing video encoding and was sucking power out quicker than the charger was putting it in, but this is just normal general usage!

Any ideas?
It's an August 2007 MBP 2.4 Santa Rosa.

I checked Apple's support website and once the computer has entered safe sleep (I.e the battery has gone) you can switch the laptop off (hold down the power button aka the one fingered salute) or let it sleep for five hours.

I'd switch it off.

Well this morning it was saying 10mins of battery left, then it went straight into sleep (so the 10mins was wrong!). It's been sleeping since then........

So I should now just turn it off and do the recharge?
Switch it off. Recharge to full and and then leave on mains for at least two hours once fully charged. Google for MacBook Battery Calibration if you want to see Apple's official document on this.

As for minutes left I don't use that I have mine set to percentage and it normally sits on 0% for a few minutes before doing the Safe Sleep thing.

Did exactly that yesterday, but cheers anyways.

iStat Pro is reporting battery health as being 78%, and I can't remember what it was last time I checked.
Does that sound alright for a 18 month old MBP?
Hmmm, it's still not happy.

Today I used it for an hour and a half on battery, and it was saying it had an hour left. But it just died there and then. Not the nice gentle going to sleep, a hard power cut. :eek: (Fortunately I had a recent'ish save of my work).

Four hours later I tried it, and it came with 0% left and Coconut saying 0mAh, and it lasted ten minutes.

Coconut is reporting it as being 54% health (3066mAh vs 5600mAh) :eek: :confused:

So, I take it this battery is dead?

It's 19 months old and done 88 cycles, is it going to be covered on my AppleCare?
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