MBP Power Adapter dead

29 Jul 2004
On christmas eve my power adapter decided to crap out, light went out and refused to charge/power the laptop.

Went on the apple site and messed about with the power management thingy and all that, hasnt helped.
Luckily im still well within the year so they're sending out a new PSU, but its gonna take 7-10 days! I'm royally screwed without the psu (back to uni soon!)

Reading through the apple shop, it seems the PSU's are pretty flawed, and generally fail in <1 year?

Anyone else had problems? And is the 7-10 days likely, or is that just to cover their backs?

Yep, just had the powerpack fail on my dad's macbook today... same as you no lights at all!

Works fine with my MBP pro powerpack on it...
Which number did you call for the replacement?
Another option is to go to an Apple store and they could replace it there and then I would have thought.

Closest store is southampton unfortunately, dont fancy the trip at this time of year.

There is an Apple Service place or whatever they're called in swindon town centre, but last time i went there it was pretty dire. I might swing in at some point and buy a spare adapter mind, if this one has gone in 6 months, i cant afford to lose my pc for a week or more at the end of uni term.
Damn, I had a MBP power adapter spare..

In fact I binned it because I didn't think anyone would want a scratched one on the 'bay :(
Apple seem to be totally incapable of making power adaptors which are reliable, unfortunately.

Our iBook 1.42 has worked perfectly, although it is now 2/3 years old now but the DVD drive decided it would pack up but its been fine since.

I just hope mine doesn't go :eek:

My MBP has been flawless so far although that yellow issue is visible but only on black and looking down on the screen. I'll get it replaced if something else goes **** up with it, fingers crossed it will be fine :o
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