MCE pc wont standby automatically after watching live TV

7 Aug 2004
Hi all,

I have set my MCE 2005 PC to auto standby after 1 min idle ( I do this because it wont automatically go back into standby mode after recording a tv series, and I have yet to find a fix for this)

It does do this after recording a tv show which is lucky.

However If I watch live tv and then just go back to the MCE menu, it just wont go into standby, there is the 'view box' in the bottom left which says 'stopped' {this is, 'the tv is stopped' screen}

If i close media centre with the remote (as in exit media centre and go back to desktop) then press the green button to load media centre menu again, it does again go into standby after 1 min.

Any ideas on how to fix this ? I would like it to automatically go into standby after 1 min no matter what (when idle). Im assuming it has something to do with the fact the stopped tv screen is in the bottom left corner, thanks for your time people,

ok found out this is a bug that cannot be fixed, however if anyone reads this just
one more quick thing........, at night when i press off on my mce remote (i.e. put it into standby) about 20/30mins later it powers itself back up again for no reason, nothing is Scheduled to record, it just boots up again and sits there and again doesnt go back into standby after 1 min, very strange, any ideas again ? sorry for all the questions! but your all knowledgable folks ! lol
This probably isn't the best forum for media centre related questions. The green button or xpmce will probably be much more help.

The whole S3 thing is a major headache to get working reliably I understand! I've given it a quick try but it only works after a reboot (which defeats the object somewhat!) Instead I've gone down the silent ultra low power pc route so i can leave it on 24/7

Strange, my MCE goes into standby with the tv in stopped mode as you describe. Which version are you running, rollup 2?

As for the PC rebooting out of standby after 30 mins, check you haven't got a USB mouse waking it up accidentally.
yeah got mce 2005 version2, yes thought it might be the mouse, however i told the computer to ignore being woken up from mouse and keyboard, the only thing enabled to wake it is the mce remote receiver.....its all very difficult to make work properly :S
Combat squirrel said:
ok found out this is a bug that cannot be fixed, however if anyone reads this just
one more quick thing........, at night when i press off on my mce remote (i.e. put it into standby) about 20/30mins later it powers itself back up again for no reason, nothing is Scheduled to record, it just boots up again and sits there and again doesnt go back into standby after 1 min, very strange, any ideas again ? sorry for all the questions! but your all knowledgable folks ! lol
All the time, or is it at a specific time?

The EPG downloads once ever 24hrs, and if the PC's in standby it'll be woken up. Used to drive me mad - mine used to turn on at 5am!

There is a tool available to change the time, fortunately.
er well it did it last night 1am, and today when i was out at some time between 12 and 2, i came back to find it on, but once i had turned it off a 2nd time it doesnt boot up again, where is this tool you speak of mr csmager ?
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