MCR and The Used's cover of Under Pressure

12 Jan 2004

I know this is old but I just saw this. Man, why do poser, hack 'musicians' insist on slaughtering the best songs ever written? I mean, just listen to their stupid emo whine on this great song and dumb drum n' bass type beat. Perhaps they should not cover classics until they have written a classic themselves? That means never, then. :)
This isn't the worst cover I've ever heard although it is pretty bad, there are very few musicians who ever do good cover versions and most of them actually write decent music by themselves anyway. Johnny Cash with his cover of Hurt by Nine Inch Nails being the obvious example. I'm in favour of involuntary euthanasia for bands who do bad cover versions. ;)
Oh good god!

Thats ******* dreadful!

I'm a big Queen fan, but I'm not a lover of the original tbh - this cover makes the original seem like one of the best songs ever.

What is it with Queen allowing people to do covers now? Are they really that desperate for money?

Haven't heard it but it was a charity song which lets it off ever so slightly. I know before listening it won't be as bad as Avril Lavigne singing Chop Suey

EDIT: Just listened, its fairly bad but not exactly terrible
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