Meanwhile in Hong Kong....

It does bring into question though why people like Jeremy Corbyn celebrate the official visit of Xi Jinping who is physically throwing its own Muslim population into detention camps but protest Trump simply for blocking travel from a handful of Muslim countries. What China is doing is far worse. Trump is accused of being all sorts of things like Dictator/Fascist but China is literally breaking its own laws and creating some kind of digitally enabled totalitarian police state.

And like you say why is our government even entertaining the idea of allowing a Chinese company (who is beholden to the Chinese government) to build our 5G infrastucture when it's at the forefront in China in allowing them to mass surveill and repress their own population?

Here's another similar article to the one I posted before about how China are exporting their modern police state to other countries:

Isn't this the sort of oppressive regime our D-Day heroes liberated Europe from 75 years ago? the whole concept behind Fascism is that the state is absolute and individuals have no freedom.
The BBC been covering China's forced "re-education" camps again, brainwashing the inhabitants that the Chinese government is their new deity. Freedom of religion is dead then. Also apparently the government thinks it can detect murderers in society before they commit a murder and so it detains people up without a trial. I'm too outraged blowing everything Trump does all out of proportion to care about a totalitarian government with 1.4B oppressed citizens though. It's still funny when they talk about how their citizens love the Social Credit System, like we don't know criticising it will probably see their score lowered or them thrown into detention camps for being "murderers in wait".

Yeah I can definitely see why the people of Hong Kong don't want to be extradited to China.
Protestors stormed some parliament building yesterday waving around British and colonial flags, they're clearly not lefties then.
Exactly what I talked about already; Giving yourself a way out.

They had the lawmakers attention; they had already stalled the progress of it (extradition to China) getting into actual Law. They should have pressed for more assurances and other protections written in as much as possible instead that target many and protect many. Then, when and if China does press down on Hong Kong, even after the 50 years they promised, any direct changes to something like that which impacts many people of HK (which likely would happen as it doesn't favour China) could allow the people of HK a way out by seeking Asylum as their laws and protections are being erased (a large group is being affected; one of the criteria for Asylum). Something they can't do right now as it'll be all seen as a domestic issue instead because they chose to make the news by acting out as hoodlums instead.

:: edit ::

They need to stick to the goal: Change the Law. Not change the country.

China are using digital surveillance to spy on and lock up Uighur Muslims in detainment camps after just snatching them up off the streets, they're breaching probably every human rights law there is in the mainland. On top of that they're bringing in what can be best described as digital totalitarianism with their social credit system. The only reason nothing is being done (besides Trump's sanctions) is because nobody has the power to make them do anything.

China don't have much respect for the law unless it's some international climate agreement whereby they can continue to pollute as much as they want while the rest of the world have to stifle their economies trying to meet targets.
That's the thing, if you are told you are going to be part of China, after having enjoyed the freedoms they have, you may as well go all out now!

True. It's better to be imprisoned in a HK prison now for fighting for your freedom than be rounded up and extradited in a year or two time as a dissident for speaking out against an increasingly authoritarian/totalitarian government.

Hong Kong should be made an independent city state but China won't have it and the threat of physical force simply won't work with them. The world would need to band together to hurt China economically and if that ever happened China might go full National Socialist on Asia. Who's going to stop them? they have more soldiers than most countries do population and with their digital presence they probably know more of what goes in many countries than those countries own governments do. China's digital/technological capability makes Russia look like a backwards country, if anyone is interfering in elections it will be them.
Authorities will always send in agent provocateurs to try to turn public opinion against any protests and dissuade others from joining them, particularly when they're on this scale. You highlight a few unsavoury incidents that you've caused to happen yourself and you can make the whole movement look rotten.
We should just offer all Hong Kongers citizenship and ship off all of the Jeremy Corbyn voters as their replacements, that way everyone's happy about the system of government they're living under. The people of Hong Kong are more British spiritually than most Brits are today.
Trump is, but everyone is having a pop at Trump for doing so

Most of the people in the Trump thread would side with Xi Jinping over Trump even though he has appointed himself dictator for life and been throwing his citizens into camps just because they're Muslim.

Oh is he now? What's his families holdings in China currently?

I'm sure if he had any the Democratic supporting corporate media would be giving us 24/7 coverage and it doesn't make much sense to be launching a trade war against a country where you have assets, do you really think if he does the Chinese communist regime don't know about it and won't pass the information on?

On the other hand Joe Biden's son has received some big payouts from the bank of China but like Obamagate and his Ukraine dealings don't expect the corporate media to talk about it.
The problem with social media platforms is unlike "publishers", as "platforms" for public discourse they received immunity from litigation for what was posted on their platform. Yet, as time has gone on they have become more and more like publishers, they can't have it both ways. If they want to act like publishers then fine but take away the immunity from litigation that was given to them when they didn't have armies of editors controlling public discourse like something out of Communist China.
Social credit system being rolled out worldwide it seems, just in time for Huawei 5G.
China tries to make its draconian new security law apply to 'everyone on the planet' with clause targeting foreign citizens who are not even in Hong Kong

How long before the commie social media giants align their T&C's with Chinese law like most of the non-EU internet has already done to appease the EU and it's GDPR faux privacy laws.
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