meat from xmas day, ok to eat today?

24 Oct 2005
North East
As title, my sis gave me some left over beef and turkey from xmas dinner last night and wondering if safe to eat for dinner or tea today.
I did a (posh) chicken on Christmas Day. It hasn't been anywhere near a fridge, but it has been reheated every day as it gradually turns from meal to leftovers to soup ready for tomorrow. I have not died yet. It's possible there's enough bacterial toxin build up in the soup to render me corpse-like by Monday, or at least strapped to the loo to stop diarrhoea blasting me into orbit (or the loft), but it's a gamble I'm prepared to take, given how monumentally good the soup tastes tonight.

Nobody ever accused me of undercooking meat though. It gets sealed in a steamy water bath to keep it moist, and blasted at gas mark Saturn V until the bacteria stop screaming or the kitchen lino starts melting, whichever comes first.
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