mechanical keyboard Question/Buying help

25 Nov 2011
Can someone here please explain what the different switches mean in a mechanical keyboard?

I have never used a mechanical keyboard before and its one thing I thinking changing to, at the moment I using Microsoft x4 sidewinder Great keyboard.

But all the talk is about mechanical keyboard, so it now makes me think I should buy one are they really worth it?

If so £100 witch best keyboard at that price willing to go touch over.

Red - linear and non-clicky. They require a very small amount of force (40g I believe?) and the key presses straight down (linearly) without any tactile feedback

Brown - non-linear and non-clicky. They require a small amount of force too, the same as red I believe but they are non-linear so they have a small bump half way down the button press to indicate when the key actually registers.

Blue - non-linear and clicky. Same as brown except slightly (5g I think) more force needed to press, and has a loud mechanical click when the key registers at the bump.

Black - same as red except much more force required to press down the keys. I don't like these at all.
I have a CM QF Storm TK with Browns, about a month old now. I came to it from a 6 yo MS wireless keyboard, which was fine but I needed a second KB and took the plunge that I'd like mech because they get such glowing reviews everywhere. I'm still not convinced. I then bought the X4 as well (because I'm an idiot) and am impressed with that... I don't know which is better, but anyway some thoughts...

1) TRY BEFORE YOU BUY -- seriously, find a way to test out a mech keyboard, and ideally all the different switch types. This could save you £100 (or more likely let you buy a new headset/mouse/lots of beer instead). If you can try before you buy then stop reading now, because the rest is heavily influenced by my opinion.

2) The mech switches feel different, not necessarily better. Some (most?) people seem to prefer the feel. I am fairly neutral about it. The X4 has a fairly positive feel (IMO) so its not like you're coming from something really squishy. How much is 'feel' worth to you? When it comes to improving feel, I would probably prioritise £5 for a new PC chair cushion over a KB. :)

3) Mechs are almost certainly going to be louder. The blues are just loud (but do feel good), whereas the reds, browns, blacks are loud if you type 'normally' as they will hit the back plate. Some people can type without using their full travel. For me this seems a bit of a strange design/approach. You need very fine motor control to apply enough load to get the key past activation but for a short enough duration not to bottom it out. On a rubber dome keyboard you push it until it pushes back, which helps you know when to lift your finger... you almost bounce off. To touch type on a mech you provide all the downwards force, then you provide all the force to reverse each finger's acceleration as well. People can certainly do it... I can do it but I find it very tiring. So unless you are doing this, you'll be louder. Bigger keys can be noisy regardless of how you type.

4) If you bottom out the keys it can take a bit of a toll on your fingers, but this is not such a big deal unless you are really pounding away.

5) Consider a shorter KB, such as a TKL (ten keys less) version as it enables your mouse hand to be closer to your WASD hand. This is the best thing about gaming with my mech. You still have the X4 for Excel, etc.

6) The bump midway down the brown is very subtle. The whack against the backplate is not. I'm not totally convinced the bump is of any real use, even when touch typing, because the key press is so brief that I can't see that tactile feedback arrives before the brain is already reversing the force.

7) I found the black switches very heavy and wouldn't want to have to type on them for long.

Sorry if I've just completely baited this thread. Most people seem to really like mech keyboards so I'm sure you'll get plenty of more positive offerings. Maybe just nice to have a counterpoint also.

TL;DR: I have the X4 as well as a CM TK and there isn't much to choose between them. Try out mech before you buy.
Red - linear and non-clicky. They require a very small amount of force (40g I believe?) and the key presses straight down (linearly) without any tactile feedback

Brown - non-linear and non-clicky. They require a small amount of force too, the same as red I believe but they are non-linear so they have a small bump half way down the button press to indicate when the key actually registers.

Blue - non-linear and clicky. Same as brown except slightly (5g I think) more force needed to press, and has a loud mechanical click when the key registers at the bump.

Black - same as red except much more force required to press down the keys. I don't like these at all.

Red is the best gaming switch, Blue is the best for typists.

Thanks guys so if I was to buy think Red would be my choice.

I have a CM QF Storm TK with Browns, about a month old now. I came to it from a 6 yo MS wireless keyboard, which was fine but I needed a second KB and took the plunge that I'd like mech because they get such glowing reviews everywhere. I'm still not convinced. I then bought the X4 as well (because I'm an idiot) and am impressed with that... I don't know which is better, but anyway some thoughts...

1) TRY BEFORE YOU BUY -- seriously, find a way to test out a mech keyboard, and ideally all the different switch types. This could save you £100 (or more likely let you buy a new headset/mouse/lots of beer instead). If you can try before you buy then stop reading now, because the rest is heavily influenced by my opinion.

2) The mech switches feel different, not necessarily better. Some (most?) people seem to prefer the feel. I am fairly neutral about it. The X4 has a fairly positive feel (IMO) so its not like you're coming from something really squishy. How much is 'feel' worth to you? When it comes to improving feel, I would probably prioritise £5 for a new PC chair cushion over a KB. :)

3) Mechs are almost certainly going to be louder. The blues are just loud (but do feel good), whereas the reds, browns, blacks are loud if you type 'normally' as they will hit the back plate. Some people can type without using their full travel. For me this seems a bit of a strange design/approach. You need very fine motor control to apply enough load to get the key past activation but for a short enough duration not to bottom it out. On a rubber dome keyboard you push it until it pushes back, which helps you know when to lift your finger... you almost bounce off. To touch type on a mech you provide all the downwards force, then you provide all the force to reverse each finger's acceleration as well. People can certainly do it... I can do it but I find it very tiring. So unless you are doing this, you'll be louder. Bigger keys can be noisy regardless of how you type.

4) If you bottom out the keys it can take a bit of a toll on your fingers, but this is not such a big deal unless you are really pounding away.

5) Consider a shorter KB, such as a TKL (ten keys less) version as it enables your mouse hand to be closer to your WASD hand. This is the best thing about gaming with my mech. You still have the X4 for Excel, etc.

6) The bump midway down the brown is very subtle. The whack against the backplate is not. I'm not totally convinced the bump is of any real use, even when touch typing, because the key press is so brief that I can't see that tactile feedback arrives before the brain is already reversing the force.

7) I found the black switches very heavy and wouldn't want to have to type on them for long.

Sorry if I've just completely baited this thread. Most people seem to really like mech keyboards so I'm sure you'll get plenty of more positive offerings. Maybe just nice to have a counterpoint also.

TL;DR: I have the X4 as well as a CM TK and there isn't much to choose between them. Try out mech before you buy.

No need for sorry, that was one very helpful post. I think you correct I should try before I buy issue is that's not possible lol

Anyone else want to share there thoughts?
I only want to upgrade if it is really worth the money. I dont mind spending the money the issue is, I would like the money spent on the upgrade if its worth it.
Like would I feel a difference to my gaming.
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