Mechwarrior Online. Yes, really :)

Just a pilot name by the look of it. Reading more in the harsh morning light, it's doesn't look great so far - no avatars outside of the mechs, ony 3(!) mechs confirmed so far, and they've very vague on whether it's a lobby based arena thingy or persistent online world.
Quite limited at the moment, seems to be basically a lobby and arenas from what they're saying. Bit of a waste of the licence :(
I have to admit, some of this sounds brilliant :

MechWarrior Online is more simulation than arcade
In the center of the HUD there are two aiming reticles, a circle and a cross. The circle represents where weapons mounted on the arms will fire while the cross represents where all other weapons will fire. When the ’Mech’s torso is not currently rotating, the two reticles will align over top of each other and all weapons will fire on the same point. When the player rotates the torso’s pitch or twist, the ’Mech’s arms and their reticle lead the rotation while the slower torso follows
In addition to what’s displayed on the actual HUD, the monitors in the cockpit will also display information about the ’Mech. While some of the monitors may be in the pilot’s normal field of view, they can all be seen by free looking around the cockpit. The information displayed on them is generally of a secondary or tertiary nature, like the status of the ’Mech’s actuators or heat sinks, or more detailed information about the distribution of ammunition within the ’Mech.

They're not messing about :eek:
Don't suppose you have a link to the order the books should go in? I read a few of them years and years ago, very enjoyable.
I know I started the thread but I just completely lost interest when I found out it was just another lobby shooter. Other than the fancy graphics it was exactly like playing any of the MW games from the last century.
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