Media Centre - Motherboard Issue

7 Aug 2003
Hi Everyone

I am in the proccess of desiging a Media Centre and ideally would like to chosse a Micro-ATX board. One problem, Im very quickly filling all its slots up.

MSI K8NGM-2-FID is the board im planning on getting.

First of all, I need TWO tuners, for obvious reasons. Windows Media Centre dosent seem to support any Dual DVB-T tunners, so will have to get two single tuners. So there goes my x2 PCI slots.

I am planning on using the onboard Graphics, Geforce 610. But upgraded to a better Graphics cards should always be an option (HDTV & Games) and im not sure if Media Centre will work on a Gefore 610. So goes the PCI-Express slot.

I need to buy a sound card which has a digital out, as my home cinema system only input which will do sorround sound is a digital in. So I am missing one PCI slot.

I have thought about possably getting one internal and one usb tuner. Would that be a realistic option?

Or does anybody know a Micro ATX board with all of this stuff onboard? Or should I give up and go for a full ATX board.

Any help would be apperciated!
Just noticed that the TV-out connector for the MSI is "Optional" and I cant find out were to get hold of it!

I have found somewhere that sells the Sound bracket though.

Im thinking about going for a ATX instead, this is a pain in the you know what.
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