Media Connect : Xbox 360

18 Oct 2002
Cambridge, UK
So I have Media Connect on my MCE2005 which allows to use the Xbox 360 as an extender, now I have a second 360 just to use as an extender in my study but I can't for the life of me see how you get a second 360 to connect?

If I look in Media Connect it says Xbox 360 (allowed) but this is the original 360 not the new one in my study. When I try and connect to a "Media Center" from the new 360 in the study it give me a code but I don't see any way of adding this to Media Connect?

Anybody know?


you can reconnect to an XBOX from within MCE2005, but the problem is it will only ever let you enter 1 code at a time. If you enter the new code it will disable the previous one. and the 2 XBOX360's will give you differant numbers. a bit of a problem if you are wanting to add 2, both as extenders.

DOnt think its possible im affraid mate, may be wrong but I just dont see a way around it.
I cant remember exactly where it is but its somewhere like:

Start > Programs > Accessories > Media Center > Media Center manager

If you run that there is a File menu i think thatw ill allow you to add another xbox.

Paul ...
it can be done, i remember seeing on the settings somewhere you can add to the list.

can't remember where tho :(
Yeah I've found the settings, unfortunately my router seems to have problems with the Xbox 360, so when I try and connect to my MCE from my Xbox360 in the study it doesn't work.

If I directly connect the 360 everything works like a charm, I need to run some CAT5e from upstairs, not a difficult job but not something I really wanted to do :(

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