Media player

8 Feb 2006
can someone advise me on the best latest media player, mp3s video etc, also ease of converting dvds to appropriate format, and compatibility with windows, creative? ipod? iriver?

yes sorry i do mean hardware
budget £150 ish
most battery life and capacity!
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Winamp and Foobar are the main ones. I've not used the latter for years, but if you wanna rip MP3's then you have to use the full version of Winamp, not the free one.

You're probably better getting a seperate piece of software if you wanna rip MP3's.
I use Winamp to play MP3s, CDex to rip CDs, and VLC to play all my videos. If you want to rip DVDs then DVD Decrypter and AutoGK are great.
I think he means hardware, otherwise he'd have posted in Windows & Other Software.

You really need to give us a budget, capacity required etc mate.
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