Medical Advice.....(long read - sorry)

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18 Nov 2010
I'm stuck what to do next.....(long read - sorry)

Hi all,

Sorry it's a long history but it's to give you a picture to how bad the damage was/is

14 Years ago I had a bad break on my right lower arm (Yes Im right handed) both bones snapped and my arm looked like the letter S, one of the bones came through the skin partly, yes ouch I was 16 at the time, anyway I had an opp to manipulated and set it..... When I woke up I was told that they could not fully put it back in place one of the bones lined up ok and the other was only half aligned they said they tried and tried for 2 hours (normally only a 30min op) to get it right but it was the best they could do and it would be ok and heal fine aslong as it didnt slip out of alignment during the healing process which they will monitor (Me being 16 thought whatever time off school LOL)

Spent 2 nights in Hospital as I was complaining of a lot of pain they said this was normal due to the 2 hours the docs spent bending and twisting my arm back into place
Went home with some pain killers and was told to rest, so had a week off school as I was not allowed to move my arm. Which to be honest I bearly moved off by bed all week as was still in a lot of pain

A week later I went back for a checkup and the X Ray showed the half aligned bone had slipped and was healing to the wrong part of the bone, I was then told I would need to have another Opp to re break both bones and have them pinned with metal rods, this was done that day and I spent the next 2 weeks in Hospital, pain was really bad and I was pumped full of drugs, they said I should not be feeling so much pain, but I was, I think they thought I was just soft and couldn't handle it but it wasent that at all.

went home and over time pain calmed down week by week was still in a pot for 15 weeks not the normal 6-12 weeks they normally leave you in a pot, anyway once the pot was off my arm was so weak from not using it it looked like a 5yr olds was not given any physiotherapy and was told I will have some nerve damage, only thing i was told was to exercise my hand with a stress ball which i did, so over the next year I had some pain now and then and tingling down the out side of my arm to the tip of my little finger, reported this to the docs and they said this may be the nerve damage they talked about and would just take time to heal.....

Anyway almost 14 months later I got a letter asking me back to discuss removing the metal rods in my arm, so I went and was told it was best to remove them rather than to leave them in (Even though they said there was no problem leaving in them) with this I was booked in a couple of weeks later to have them removed..... The day came and it was a day case so in, in the morning have the opp and out that afternoon was not even put in a cast this time just heavily padded and bandage up, was just told to take it easy, 3 weeks later went back to check all was ok and the holes in my arm where the screws had been were healing nicely and almost closed up again not offerd physiotherapy and was discharged

By this time I was 17 nearly 18 and was out with my mates down the pub watching the footy and a fight broke out by some Pricks that were stood next to me and my mates nothing todo with us at all anyhow 3 guys ended up falling on me and my mates and I fell to the floor with one of the guys on top of me from being pushed this guy fell on my arm and I knew straight away it was broke again, not bad like before but broke.....

X-Ray showed the problem bone from before had a full clean break between 2 of the healing screw holes (a week point) No opp this time just put in a cast for 8 weeks a little bit of pain but had got used to twinges etc from before
(You can imagine just how Pi**ed off I was now having just had the metal rods taken out few weeks earlier) Anyway this healed again and bones fine now.....

But over the years i have had pain in my arm from a dull ache to a pulsing shooting pain, this arm has never been strong I can't use it to lift heavy items for long periods, sports or in the Gym, If i do it hurts for hours somtimes days afterwards even carrying a few of bags of shopping from the car can be painful and yes using a keyboard or mouse can prove to hurt after a while too, I have switched what I can to my left arm / hand (No Punn intended there if you have a dirty mind lol)

My problem and what I need advise on is, is there anyting or anyone out there that can help me, I have already been to my Docs several times all I get from them is pain killers and told there's no reason why I have this pain and disability, I have even paid for private physiotherapy and it helps a little but not a lot, I have tired beauty therapy on my arm that involed a hot lemon and menthol wax wrap to my arm and full finger, wrist and arm massage and other stuff this did feel great and the girl that did it was fit but it only helps for say a few hours or that day then the same issues of pain and not fully functional,
Plus can't afford the private sessions all the time....

It's stopping me from leading a full life and the thing that gets me angry and upset is that there's is no recognition of my disability by NHS doctors anyway and I simply cant afford to go private to get those second opinions.

I know there are worse off people in the world with far worse disabilities than I have but it really gets me down at times am I desten to spend my life on Pain killers I think back to when i had my metal plates out and think would I of been better keeping them in? I think so strengh wise but not pain wise...

Can anyone help or offer advise?
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Originally Posted by The FAQ
No medical advice
We ask all members not to ask for, nor give out, medical advice. This is because if a member of these forums gave out medical advice that was incorrect, the owner of OcUK forums could be held responsible.

I understand this part I'm not asking for medical advise as such just really avenues to look into and different people to try "anyone who would actully do what a non medicaly trained person advised is stupid"

I will rephrase the Subjet...... thanks

Hmmm I never thought of acupuncture thanks Surfer I will look into it
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