Medusa 5.1 + Sound card

4 Nov 2007
Right I've had Medusa 5.1's for age now, and until now haven't used the amp, after trying them with my 360 I realised how good they could sound, I have the non USB version and they have 3 cables coming out the amp, Sub/Centre, Front and Rear.

What sound card would I need to get all three 'working' as the 7.1 sound I bought a while out has one input, so I can only use the centre cable.

I Have both ( medusa pro gamer and xfi xtreme music)

Make sure you have your headset set to 5.1 in the creative audio console. same for games, 5.1. not 7.1 or headphones. its a 5.1 headset.
Thanks, I'll try that.

The green wire is in the 'sub/centre' slot on the amp;
the blue is in the 'rear' socket;
and the red is in the 'front' socket.

On the card, is there any particular socket the wires should go in? All it says on the card is 1/2/3 above the orange/black/green sockets respectively.

Here's a pic of the card.


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with me, the back of the card is golden, but it looked different than the pic.

it went from left to right ( when the card is in the pc, and you look at the back of the pc)

yellow, black, green and pink.

I plugged the wrong cables into the wrong holes at first also.
It's working in 5.1! Woot.

Rear left speaker is loose, rattles like a madman when any sound it put through it. :( Must have dropped them too many times.

Where'd I put my chisel?

Thanks for all the help.
the rattling could be microphone connected though. If I turn my mic off in settings, then I have clear sound.

but its more a buzzz rather than a rattle.

medusas dont like to be dropped on the floor indeed :(
It's a definite physical rattle, turned the bass down in the Creative control panel and it doesn't seem as bad.

Still an excellent head set tho :)
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