Meeting W3C Standards

20 Sep 2003
I have been asked to look at a mobile based video application that uses standard webpages styled with HTML and CSS. I have been asked to make sure that the site meets W3C standards. I have been given this as the benchmark:

“Websites must be designed and deployed with Level 1 Accessibility Standards i.e. Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Single-A standards, as a minimum.”

So after some googling I have found this:

I'm just looking for some clarification that this is the correct standard, taking into considerationvideo streaming in part of the mobile app.

I used to work for a company who specialised in bits and bobs for people with VI (Visual Impairement) and spent a lot of time making sure our website was accessible. Shocking that a company in that area employed no one with a VI or had a VI website :(

Anyway, I spent a long time researching things but it was over a year ago now but there are a lot of resources out there. I'll do a quick blast over what I can remember but some of these may be up to AAA standard:

Yes, you have the right thing. WCAG is what its referred to, it'll help when googling.

You get a lot of checkers online, such as:

Some are better at others in certain areas. Video and streaming and VI I can't remember much on, but you need to provide transcripts for those with hearing impairment. Things such as color contrast, text size, all images must have an alt tag if they are not decorative.

You've got to consider screen readers (yes you can get these on phones) for those with VI so you'll have to listen to the page.

Things such as skip links, AR IA tags etc should be included.

You may be wise to check out the accessibility plugins for wordpress, they are great at seeing what can be done.
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Thanks for the reply, its been a while since I looked at the whole W3C compliance issue and the last time I did it was just for HTML/CSS based webpages viewed via a browser. This project is using WebRTC so video streaming via a mobile to ma desktop portal. So I am no=t sure if the same generic rules apply for images having alt tags etc or if we need to go further now that video is involved.
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