Megadeth - United Abominations

20 Sep 2005
West End, Southampton
Can't see a thread on this, so..

Anyone else got this? Actually bought it and it's one of the best albums i've heard for a long time. Several of the song titles are RATM-style anti-american government titles, and highlighting problems with war, but songs that really stand out for me are;

Sleepwalker - Cross between Toxicity kind of bass and mid-80s Metallica, it's incredibly awesome stuff.

Amerikhastan - Some fantastic guitar work in this song, again, it's highlighting problems in the Middle East and religious wars.

Gears of War - Just classic Megadeth, great riffs, great solo, great lyrics.

Any metal fan should have this, it's brilliant.
Your thoughts?
Personally i think they've set Metallica a high standard to top for when they release their next album. They're going to have to do well imo, but then again, they'll sell tons just because of their name :p
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