Members Market

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22 Oct 2002
Melbourne, Aus
Does anyone know if it's possible to sell guitar stuff in the Members market.. I can't see anything specific banning it in the rules but don't want to get my wrist slapped. (Need to sell my Big Muff)
Ive seen guitar stuff sold on it - youll be fine - if not, say ps3ud0 sent you :p. I dno what a Big Muff is but it made me giggle...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Yeah in the rules they say computer related items only...

you could try the bay...
Si. said:
Ebay it is.. don't want to upsed the OCUk Gods :S
Email a mod, but Ive definitely seen DJ stuff on there (decks and the like)...

Though probably get a better audience on the bay...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Well the rules say
Yewen said:
b) Their own, personal, second-hand non-computer related items that might legitimately be discussed in the following OcUK Forums
And since there is even a guitar sticky in here, you would like to think you could :confused:
i used to have a muff got bored of it quite quick though i love the box it comes in though
Linoge said:
lol, first I see talk of a milf in Sports Arena and now a guy wanting to see a big muff in Music & Box Office! :D

well it can be fuzzy or clean, you can turn it on and off at will and you can push its buttons all night long ;)
from the rules :

The Member's Market (MM) is for the use of all OcUK Forum Members to enable them to buy and sell:

a) Their own, personal, second-hand COMPUTER RELATED ITEMS.

b) Their own, personal, second-hand non-computer related items that might legitimately be discussed in the following OcUK Forums:

- PC & Console Games

- Photography & Video

- DVD, Home Cinema & Hi-Fi (Car audio equipment is not allowed, and neither is the selling of Audio CDs)
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