
17 Dec 2005
I was planning on CPU, vga and h/drive in my watercooled rig but today I came across Mem cooler blocks.

Does anyone use them, are they worth adding??

Look cool though. :)
You mean waterblocks for them?

Nope no point at all. All you need is a fan blowing over them when benching at really high speeds
What do you mean by enclosure? A small amount of airflow is all HDD's need. HDD waterblocks will only kill your flow. A passive zalman HDD cooler is enough IMO.
Lot of people attach a smallish fan to either the motherboard and have the fan aimed at the memory or attach the fan to the empty memory slot hinges using elastic bands and so forth. Both methods work well.
I noticed zalman do a bracket for aiming a fan over the memory. I am messing about with some alluminium at the moment so might fab my own bracket that suits the custom case I'm (trying) building.
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