Memoirs of a Geisha

22 Mar 2006
Anyone else loved this as much as I do? Saw the film first, and thought it was sensational; then read the book, and was similarly entranced - I never thought it possible to find a book and film that are equally as good as each other, but in this case, it's definitely true :) Quite staggering that it was written by an American man, but yet is so incredibly successful at portraying the life of a woman in a highly secretive Japanese subculture.

loved it loved it loved it!
I read the book first, followed by the film. Did enjoy both, though the film is clearly a cut down version of the book.

What was amusing was to hear a Japanese persons view on it. The two key things they mentioned that didn't quite ring true were:
- That the way the locations were portrayed were as a gaijin (foreigners) view of Japan. Makes sense I guess.
- That the main actress has very square shoulders as a result of her martial arts training. Real geisha have sloping shoulders, meaning that the Kimono/Yukata sit differently on them.

Still gets the thumbs up from me.
Mr_Sukebe said:
What was amusing was to hear a Japanese persons view on it.

That the main actress has very square shoulders as a result of her martial arts training. Real geisha have sloping shoulders, meaning that the Kimono/Yukata sit differently on them.

And they didnt even mention the fact that Zhang Ziyi is Chinese ?? :p
vonhelmet said:
As is Michelle Yeoh. Apparently this did cause quite a fuss when it was first released.

Yes that is correct :)

I thought it was a fantastic film, deffo one of my favourites, the amount of training Zhang Ziyi had to go through for the part is incredible, and for someone who cannot speak very good english I think she did really well.

Throughly enjoyed it :)

BB x
Wife got this this afternoon. Haven't watched it yet. Is it a girly film or just a good film?
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