Memory clocking.

26 Jan 2005
Silly question potentially...

Got myself some Corsair 2GB DDR2 XMS2-6400C4 TwinX (2x1GB)
for my ASUS P5B motherboard, and seein as the MB's max DDR speed is 800Mhz (the speed of my RAM), does this mean i cant clock higher than that when overclocking?

Also, it says in CPU-Z that my DDR2 is running at 399.1 Mhz, does this mean that they're not running fully?
Or do they combine to make the 800mhz speed?

If not, how do you enable dual-channel?

Sorry im a bit new to OC'ing.

Thanks for any help :)
Hey again, sorry for slow replying, i've been at work! :(

My FSB isnt 399.1mhz, my DRR frequency was. (Used AI *** to up the speeds by 3% :eek: ) :p

Currently my FSB is 273.5Mhz.

Thanks for all the info Fornowagain, most useful!

To make it easier for me, is anyone able to tell me the settings for Overclocking to 3ghz?

i dont really know how to, hence why i used AI ***. Im an amateur that wants some more speed :D
Conroe E6600
Corsair 2GB DDR2 XMS2-6400C4 TwinX (2x1GB)
Asus P5B Motherboard
Zalman Aero Flower CPU Cooler
X1900 XT 512Mb Graphics card.
Antec Neo500 PSU

Hey again, i was looking through the bios, and was going to put the settings that you suggested to the test.

But half of them arent on the Jumperfree configuration section or the other CPU related ones.

I have:

AI Tuning (Manual etc)
CPU Frequency
DRAM Frequency
PCI - E frequency (currently set to auto in the manual config)
PCI-Clock Syncronization mode (set to auto)
Spread Spectrum (auto)
Memory Voltage (Auto)
CPU Vcore Voltage (Auto)
FSB Termination Voltage (Auto)

and that speedstep thing is disabled already in the other section (name escapes me off the top of my head) :confused:

Any idea what i should put these settings to?

Thanks a lot for your time and patience so far mate :)
Well i did all the settings apart from MCH which i cant find.

1:1 (which im guessin is just choosing DDR2 800 yeah?)

and then i chose save settings and exit...

Then it wouldnt start up :eek:
The fans just powered up full pelt and nothing happened, i got a little worried, then turned it off and luckily, as i guess you overclocking pro's know, it started off with the Overclocking failed screen.

Why did it not work? :confused:

Thanks for your input so far mate :)
ah i see, so what settings do you recommend for the memory?

Thanks again for your help, im learning :D

Oh also, when i set the VDIMM to 2.1v the voltage gets highlighted, makes it look like its a bad idea to set it at that? :confused:
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ok, will do.

So what should i turn down, seems kinda odd that it wont start anyways to be honest, seeing the other clocks people have got ouuta this chip. :confused:

and can it be step-by-step if possible?

(im being very cautious as i im new to this and spent a lot on upgrades) ;)
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Hmm from reading that and thinking about it a bit, sounds like setting some voltages to auto may work for the better?

I've been out so i aint been able to test it, but generally how do you know if its running rock solid stable??
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