Memory divider unstable?

18 Oct 2002
Amsterdam,The Netherlands
Saturday I have been trying to overclock my system only to find very strange instability at booting and lockups.

Could it be that my system/mobo does not like to run the memory at a divider, can that cause instability? (even if the memory is running at 183Mhz)

[edit]Example: I ran Prime95's small FFT test for 100 minutes without error at [email protected] with the memory at a 150Mhz divider so it's at 204Mhz and I get a lockup in Windows after the Prime test and at reboot it hangs again at/after Verifying DMI pool and even at 11*250Mhz, I had to set it tos tock to get it to boot again.

So should I test the max. memory speed first and use a 1:1 divider from then on?[/edit]
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weescott said:
The memory controller on A64 chips can be flakey at around 270fsb, so no matter what your ram can do it could be the memory controller holding it back.
I agree, that's why After 10x272Mhz I tried 11x250Mhz which was the same :confused:

Everything points to a unstable system when running with a divider.

I think the only option is to test the max. overclock of my Ballistix PC3200 first and use a 1:1 divider to see if that helps, I just wanted to hear stories from other people that had the same so I know I'm doing the right thing instead of wasting more time overclocking.
Maybe the extra dividers on this DFI mobo like 150Mhz, 180Mhz and 190Mhz are not stable and only the standard ones like 133Mhz and 166Mhz??

I just wish I was home so I can test instead of work :(
Yes, I found a link to a BIOS update CD on the DFI street forums so I will update the BIOS to a later one and see if that helps.
I will also overclock the memory first to see how fast I can run it stable, perhaps I am lucky and I can run my memory at 250Mhz or more so I can run at 1:1

I have been running the memory at the 150Mhz divider and that gave me weird stability issues and boot failures that would be explained by the fact that the mobo is unstable at that particular divider.

I'm glad I bought a 3700+ with a 11x multi so if I can get my memory at 260Mhz stable that will give me a CPU speed of 11x260 = 2860Mhz max that will do fine and perhaps the 166Mhz divider does work stable giving me even more options.
Big.Wayne said:
sounds like you had the same problem as me, and I think its the newer Ballistix doesn't like working on a divider with A64 (well at least my set doesn't). The PC would just hang after the irq listing screen?
I had exactly the same, had me stumped for a while.

But now it's much better, I never thought Ballistix would run at 260Mhz with 2.5-2-2-10-1T timings, just a shame my CPU needs >1.625V to run at 11x260Mhz and I can't use a lower multiplier.
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