Memory Divider V Loose Timings

12 Mar 2006
In The Sea Of Leveraged Liquidity

I've got a questionable situation here. I have a 3500 (venice) btw, i would like to run it at 2.6 (260 x 10), now my questions is shall i run that with my Crucial 3200 at timings of 3-3-3-8 or shall i run my Crucial 3200 on a 6:5 divider but with timings of 2.5-3-3-7.

Basically my Ram will go up to 470mhz on 3-3-3-8 but only up to 420mhz on 2.5-3-3-7.

So what do ya think, tighter timings or memdivider??

Thx ppl!
Run superpi 8mb and see which gives you the best time, then use that one :)

The slack timings/high speed will probably be better but test it and check :)
doh, total homer simpson bit there.

I never thought of running pi to see which is quicker! DOH!!! :D
Dont know if youve tried this but my 3700SD will only run at 2.65 at max volts (for my mobo) and my Mem will only run at 235mhz (both these stable) so i can run at 2.65Ghz on a divider but then my mem is only running at 180mhz 9or there abouts, not on my system at mo). So odropped the multi to 10 and run the HTT at 265 resulting in my mem now running at 220ish giving me a decent rise in my Pi Score and my mem running at a decent 2.5/3/3/7.
might be worth a try.
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