Memory FAQ Question!

2 Jan 2004
Considering the volume of threads complaining about unreliable Crucial Ballistic 2GB Tracer Kits, wouldn't the OCUK 2Gb Memory FAQ need updated to reflect Crucial Ballistics current status?

Listing taken from the current OCUK 2Gb Memory FAQ Memory FAQ

**UPDATED 3/7/06**

Q. What is the very *BEST* 2Gb kit for AMD and Intel platforms?

A. Crucial Ballistix 2Gb Tracer Kit

A. 2GB Mushkin Redline XP4000 CE-6

A. Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3500LL Pro TwinX (2x1GB)

A. G.skill F1-4000usu2-2gbhz
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Sorry mate,

I'm just slowly updating it all, half the links don't work either. :) But that RAM was the best, not anymore though.

Hi Firegod

No apology necessary, where would we the forum readers be without you guys that dredge through all the info and present current stats.

Keep up the good work.
Jleo said:
Hi Firegod

No apology necessary, where would we the forum readers be without you guys that dredge through all the info and present current stats.

Keep up the good work.

Ah thanks, apprecite the thanks. :) I will get it done, I promise! lol :p
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