Memory for a 3600x

Is the ripped worth the extra?
I don't think so personally, consider the 3600/16 kit runs at 1.35 the ripped 3600/14 kit 1.45, now if you boost the voltage to 1.45 on the 3600/16 kit it will most likely do 3600/14.

For reference I'm running the 3200/14 kit at 3800/14 with tight subs and it destroys the ripped kit @ XMP in the dram calcs mem-bench so most of these kits will hit decent numbers with manual tweeks.
If you got the cash and can afford it 4000Mhz is decent ram. If rumours are true about the Zen 3 able to hit 2000MHz fclk then those 4000Mhz ram will be sweet. Tho they will also be cheaper as they become more mainstream
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