Memory help pls!

29 Aug 2006
Hi guys, joined up as i'm looking to get some memory from here and just wanted to check how to go about this.

The machine in question only has 256mb installed running XP Home and is dog slow. It boots quick, but then NAV and CCAP seem to be processed that just wont shut up.

Ultimately, there are 30 odd processes running and the mb idles around 220mb. Is this unusually high? Either way, anything else I do obviously only has 36mb to do anything with!!

So, I'm looking to order 2 x512mb DDR PC2700. The motherboard is a no-namer with VIA chipset. I only know that the memory I need is DDR. The machine is about 4 years old. Will it hurt to run the PC2700 in here?
Your current 256mb stick should have a label saying which type of ddr it is. It's best to buy the same speed if you can.
If your board takes PC2700, then any DDR will be fine in it, you may aswell buy PC3200 as its far easier to get hold of and cheaper in most cases.
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