I have 4 sticks of Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO Black 32GB 3200 MHz DDR4 Dual Channel Memory Kit (CMW32GX4M2C3200C16 ) and it seems to be running at 2133mhz and not 3200mhz.
So how do I get it to run at 3200mhz?
My specs are
MSI b550 mpg gaming plus with bios version 7C56v16
AMD Ryzen 5800x
Corsair rm850x psu
I think you should read this :-
Type this in the search on the QVL CMW32GX4M and you will see all the different versions numbers for same sticks there, but not all work in all 4 slots.
Your memory is not on the QVL and also do you know the version of the kits of ram there should be a version number, also I recommend you return them and get a kit of 2 x 32GB 3600Mhz on the QVL if you need 64GB or you will find sticking 4 sticks in is a gamble and if they do work you will find you need to run them at slower speeds. Also always test with memtest to make sure they are working correctly, what may look like it posts, boots and all looks fine BUT really is unstable and does strange things and may even BSOD or show lots of errors in the event logs or very strange behaviour that freezes on and off and does things that don't make sense and then BSOD.
Remember 5000 series they are 3200mhz RAM only really and any xmp or overclock on the ram may not work and especially with 4 sticks, this is why they also make the dummy sticks with rgb memory to match the ram, because some motherboards will only allow 2 sticks to work at xmp that is on the QVL.
Trust me on this I have had my fair share of headaches with x570 and B550 boards that refuse to use 4 sticks correctly that are not on the QVL and when you do get them working they are basically running at JEDEC speeds (stock speeds) or sometimes even have to lower them, sticking more volts threw them doesn't help in most cases, same with the memory controller.
You are on the latest motherboard BIOS too I see, so check the QVL and make sure you check the part at end that states 1/2/4 Dimms for the RAM, only the ones with a tick with 4 can be used in all four slots.