Memory problems

12 Oct 2005
I've been having a few crashes recently and when i googled to find the cause it suggested they were memory related (page fault in non paged area and another i can't remember now). So i downloaded memtest (the one you run in windows not memtest86+) and it reported a couple of errors. So i decided since my vdimm was only 2.6 i should bump it up to 2.8, that only increased the number of errors. I am getting 4 or 5 errors before it even makes 10% coverage of 853mb of my RAM (it says my version of windows, XP home, can't commit more than 1gb to a single program :confused: ). So to be sure before i RMA'd it i ran memtest86+ and it ran for three hours and about 4 passes without a single error. Which is the more reliable test? And if i RMA it will they test it with mamtest86+ and say it's alright?
noxidjkram@hotm said:
Does it exhibit these problems when run at stock speeds?
Cheers for the reply. After the problems i got rid of the OC (although the memory was underclocked) so it's currently running at stock. The memtest faq claims to be more thorough than any of the other tests, but it would do that wouldn't it? I'd normally trust memtest86+ more but in conjunction with the crashes i'm not so sure. I'm going to reformat and see if that makes any difference (this windows install is over a year old anyway) and i'll update the mobo drivers etc.
What the program says about my version of windows only being able to commit 1 gb of memory to any program. Is that correct?
The problem seems to be with the mobo rather than the RAM. I've found quite a few people with the same combination as me suffering the same problems. I've dropped back to 2t which has stopped the crashes so i'll make do with that for a couple of months until i buy my new mobo. Anyone with an AV8 should probably avoid this RAM.
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