Memory Problems

19 Apr 2006
After my recent pc problem i think i have narrowed it down ot the memory being faulty. Can anyone advise a good Memory tester out on the net.

Thanks for the help
Quick question about Mem Test 86+, i downloaded the Ultimate boot Cd and it looks awsome (so much stuff on it) and i ran a memory test, i just selected Mem Test 86+ and it went off auto just doing its tests, i needed to use the pc so i couldnt keep going with the test but it reached 1 Hour and 30mins, How long does a memory test usually take on 1gb of RAM?
PyroboyUK said:
Quick question about Mem Test 86+, i downloaded the Ultimate boot Cd and it looks awsome (so much stuff on it) and i ran a memory test, i just selected Mem Test 86+ and it went off auto just doing its tests, i needed to use the pc so i couldnt keep going with the test but it reached 1 Hour and 30mins, How long does a memory test usually take on 1gb of RAM?

Memtest will just keep looping, its best to tell it to loop test 5 or 8 (press C then follow the options), 30 minutes of looping is pretty decent stability :)
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